It’s not just our homes that set new standards for sustainability. We’re fighting for zero across every element of our business.


Imagine a world where every part of our life produces zero carbon. Our homes, our cars, our work, and everything else in between. That’s the world we’re creating.

As well as building Zero Carbon Smart Homes®, we’re actively working to ensure everything we do, no matter how big or small, results in net zero carbon emissions or better. So we can prove it’s possible to live zero – and work zero too.


To become a net zero business, we’re working on minimising our carbon emissions across the board.
Zero Carbon Smart Office

We’re building our new office in Truro to the same standards we build our homes. Sustainable materials and design as well as smart technology working together in perfect harmony, so we can fight for zero in a space that truly reflects our ethos.

Sustainable ways of working

We’re always looking for ways to do more with less. Whether that’s printing less, ordering locally sourced produce, or looking at how to reduce our residual embodied carbon. After all, everything adds up.

Joining the electric movement

We’ve had a hybrid fleet for years, but now we’re taking it a step further. We’re moving lots of our staff to fully electric vehicles. And for those that use their personal vehicle to commute, our Ecologi membership will offset their drive to work. So we can keep going where we need, without adding unnecessary carbon to the atmosphere.


When there’s no carbon-free option available, we offset it instead.
One team, net zero

With the help of Ecologi, we offset the entire carbon footprint of everyone who works at Verto. Including emissions from all our houses, personal travel, food, hobbies and more. So whether we’re at work or home, all of us are climate positive.

Local offsetting projects

We support carbon offsetting projects across the Southwest. We’ve pledged to plant a million trees in the region – and we’re always looking for more ways to do good for local communities and good for the planet.

Latest news & inspiration

Here are some ideas and inspiration to help you live more sustainably.
