News, Sustainable Living

Today, our goal isn’t just to build sustainable homes. We want to build a sustainable future.


Inflation rose by 7% in the 12 months to March, up from 6% in February. This means that prices are now going up at their fastest rate for 30 years. This is primarily due to increasing fuel costs, both in the home and at the pump. Clearly, this calls for a step change in energy policy.

Our dependence on fossil fuels is not only peril to our planet but to our national security, our liberties, and our democracy. The current humanitarian and climate crisis we see unfolding before our eyes are accelerating the transition towards renewable energies more than ever.

Every wind farm activated, solar panel installed and hydropower plant built is taking us a step closer to energy independence and a greener economy. This change cannot come fast enough.

Over the last decade, Verto has been perfecting and delivering one form of solution to the climate crises, the housing crises and fuel poverty: the Zero Carbon Smart Home™.

Such homes combine sustainable components and smart technology to have the capability to produce more energy than they use, throughout the course of a year. Further energy required by the occupants is provided by a renewable-only energy supplier. We are now building more than 120 sustainable homes across Devon and Cornwall, with over 2,000 in our pipeline.

Today, our goal isn’t just to build sustainable homes. We want to build a sustainable future. But to achieve this goal, we need to rethink the approach to housebuilding as a whole. The challenge we all face is the need to build sustainable housing on a grand scale. The solution to that challenge is right here. We’ve demonstrated that it works. Both environmentally and at scale.

For us to take the next step we need to join forces – we need councils and planning officers to challenge the sustainability of proposed developments much harder. We need landowners to partner with us so we can achieve the scale of building required. And we need policymakers and regulators to drive change right across the industry.

It sounds like a mammoth task. But in the face of the climate crisis, we’ve seen time and time again that industry-wide change isn’t just possible. It’s essential.

So, we’re asking all of you to work together with us in our fight for zero on the home front. We’re always looking to make new connections. If you share our ambition to build a more sustainable future, we’d love to hear from you. Email us at

If you are in the market for a new home, you can find our selection of Zero Carbon Smart Homes™ being delivered across the South West here:


Here are some ideas and inspiration to help you live more sustainably.
